項目 | 連結 |
2024/2025學年新生預選簡介 (只提供英文版本) | 須知 |
派科優先次序 | 圖文包 |
重修科目 | 圖文包 |
選科手冊 (只提供英文版本) | |
相同科目對照表 | SharePoint |
以下內容只提供英文版本Arrangement of “Ethics, Values, Law and Society”The GE course, “Ethics, Values, Law and Society” is a compulsory course for all undergraduate students under the 2017/2018 curriculum model. It will be co-offered by the 3 faculties, FAH, FBA and FLL and consist of 3 core components. Each core component carries one credit and will take one-third of the course duration.
Please refer to the Special Arrangement of “Ethics, Values, Law and Society” for details. |