
The transitional plans for GE English language courses are applicable for the following students:

  • Students who admitted or resumed in academic year 2016/2017 or before; and
  • Students who have not completed the 6 credits of GE English language courses mentioned in 2011/2012 GE Model.

New GE English language courses include:

  • IE1 – EELC1001 – Interactive English I (3 credits, 6 weekly lecture hours)
  • IE2 – EELC1002 – Interactive English II (3 credits, 6 weekly lecture hours)
  • AE – EELC1003 – Academic English (3 credits, 3 weekly lecture hours)
  • English electives – Any undergraduate courses offered by the following faculties or departments/Centre:
    • FAH – Department of English (DENG – except French and German courses), English Language Centre (ELC)
    • FBA – All departments
    • FED – Any courses with Medium of Instruction in English
    • FHS
    • FSS – Department of Communication (DCOM), Department of Economics (DECO), Department of Government and Public Administration (DGPA), Department of Psychology (DPSY), Department of Sociology (DSOC)

Transitional Plan for Returning Students

Placement Level Course(s) Completed Course Requirement
Level 0 or Level 1 Failure in completion of any of level-0 (EELC001/002) or level-1 (EELC011/012) English language courses IE2 + AE
Completion of level-0 (both EELC001/002) or level-1 (both EELC011/012) English language courses AE + 1 English elective
Level 2 Failure in completion of any of level-2 (EELC121/122) English language courses AE + 1 English elective
Failure in completion of second part of level-2 (EELC122) English language course EELC121 + AE
Level 3 Failure in completion of any of level-3 (both EELC131/132) English language courses 2 English electives
Failure in completion of second part of level-3 (EELC132) English language course EELC131 + 1 English elective
Level 4 Failure in completion of any of level-4 (both EELC141/142) English language courses 2 English electives
Failure in completion of second part of level-4 (EELC142) English language course EELC141 + 1 English elective
Level 5 Failure in completion of any of level-5 (both ENGL112/113) English language courses 2 English electives
Failure in completion of second part of level-5 (ENGL113) English language course ENGL112 + 1 English elective

Transitional Plan for 2016/2017 Students

Placement Level Course Requirement
IE1 + IE2
IE2 IE2 + AE
AE AE + 1 English elective
English Electives 2 English electives