Tuition Fees for Academic Year 2025/2026

A. Tuition Fees
Programme Type Student Type Programme Full Tuition Fee within Normal Study Period#
4-year Bachelor’s Degree Programmes Local Students * 150,000
Non-local Students 490,400
5-year Bachelor’s Degree Programmes Local Students * 187,500
Non-local Students 613,000
# Tuition fee to be settled by 8 installments (8 semesters) for 4-year programme and by 10 installments (10 semesters) for 5-year programme with fee per installment as follows:

  • Local students*: MOP18,750
  • Non-local students: MOP61,300
B. Students who begin or resume their studies in academic year 2025/2026 have to pay tuition fees according to the above scheme. For resuming students who were admitted before academic year 2025/2026 and followed the credit-based tuition fee scheme, they shall pay their tuition fees on credit-basis with tuition fee per credit as stated in item D.

C. Students who complete the whole programme before the end of the normal study period must also settle the full amount of tuition fee of the studied programme.

D. Continuation fee: Students who are not able to complete the programme and continue beyond the normal study period should pay the continuation fee according to the number of credits to be taken as follows:

Student Type Tuition Fee per Credit
Local Students * 1,150
Non-local Students 3,850
E. Students who join an outgoing exchange programme/study abroad programme shall pay the tuition fee for that semester as stated in item A. And for students who followed the credit-based tuition fee scheme, they shall pay a fixed amount of tuition fee of 15 credits during their exchange/study abroad semester.

F. Students who enrol in the summer term shall pay the tuition fee on credit-basis with tuition fee per credit as stated in item D.

G. For students who are eligible to receive scholarships, or who will apply for tuition fee installments from the Student Affairs Office or staff tuition fee remission from the Human Resources Section of the Office of Administration, please note that the final amount of tuition fee payable will depend on the amount of scholarships, installments, or remission approved.

H. Please note that the final amount of tuition fee payable will also depend on the balance carried forward, if there is any.

*Local students refer to holders of Macao SAR resident identity card.

A. Tuition Fees
Student Type Programme Full Tuition Fee#
Local Students *  20,940
Non-local Students 69,900
# Tuition fee to be settled by 6 installments (6 semesters), with fee per installment as follows:

  • Local students*: MOP3,490
  • Non-local students: MOP11,650
B. Students who begin or resume their Bachelor’s Degree Programme in academic year 2025/2026 and enrol in the Minor Programme have to pay tuition fee for the programme according to the above scheme. For resuming students who were admitted before academic year 2025/2026 and followed the credit-based tuition fee scheme, they shall pay their tuition fee for the programme on credit-basis.

C. In all circumstances, students must settle the full amount of tuition fee by the time of graduation of the Minor Programme.

D. No tuition fee refund will be made to students who withdraw from the Minor Programme.

*Local students refer to holders of Macao SAR resident identity card.

A. Tuition Fees
Student Type Programme Full Tuition Fee#
Local Students * 8,220
Non-local Students 27,180
# Tuition fee to be settled by 6 installments (6 semesters), with fee per installment as follows:

  • Local students*: MOP1,370
  • Non-local students: MOP4,530
B. Students who begin or resume their Bachelor’s Degree Programme in academic year 2025/2026 and enol in the Honours College Certificate Programme have to pay tuition fee for the programme according to the above scheme. For resuming students who were admitted before academic year 2025/2026 and followed the credit-based tuition fee scheme, they shall pay their tuition fee for the programme on credit-basis.

C. In all circumstances, students must settle the full amount of tuition fee by the time of graduation of the Honours College Certificate Programme.

D. No tuition fee refund will be made to students who withdraw from the Honours College Certificate Programme.

*Local students refer to holders of Macao SAR resident identity card.