Current policy (for applications effective in AY2024/2025 or earlier)

  1. Students may apply for transfer of programme within the scheduled period in each semester and may apply to a maximum of two programme choices according to the order of preferences. Students are not eligible to apply for transfer of programme in their first registered semester at UM.
  2. All applications must be approved by the Dean of the academic unit of the programme transferred to.
  3. The approved applications for transfer of programme will be effective in the following semester.
  4. Any student can have only one approved transfer of programme during his/her undergraduate study at UM.
  5. For students transferring between programmes not offered by the Faculty of Law, the results of courses taken previously will ALL be included in the GPA calculation for graduation.
  6. For students transferring between the programmes offered by the Faculty of Law and other programmes, the results of courses taken previously will not be counted towards the final results for graduation, but the credits gained will ALL be counted.

New policy (for applications effective from AY2025/2026 onwards) [Infographic]

  1. Students may apply for transfer of programme during the scheduled period each semester and may select a maximum of two programme choices in order of preferences. However, students are not eligible to apply for transfer of programme during their first registered semester at UM.
  2. A student is allowed only one approved transfer of programme during their undergraduate studies at UM.
  3. All applications must be approved by the Dean of the academic unit of the requested programme. Once approved, the transfer will take effect in the following semester. Students who successfully transfer to a new programme must adhere to the minimum and maximum durations of study specific to that programme, counting from the semester they transfer until graduation. For students transferring between different majors within the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme, these durations of study will be calculated from their admission to UM until graduation.
  4. Course Transfer

A maximum of one-third of the credits required for the new programme can be transferred from courses taken previously, including exempted courses. If the total credits of the courses taken previously exceed one-third of the credits required for the new programme, the courses will be transferred based on their types in the new programme: Community and Peer Education courses (CPE), followed by Languages and Skills courses (L&S), Compulsory General Education courses (GE), Compulsory Major courses (CM), Required Electives (RE), Elective General Education courses (GE), and finally Free Electives (FE). Courses that cannot be transferred to the new programme will still be shown on the transcript; however, their credits and results will not be included in the GPA or SA calculation for graduation.

a. For students transferring between programmes with the same grading system, both the credits and results of the transferred courses will be included in the GPA or SA calculation for graduation. For students transferring between different majors within the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme, no one-third limit will be applied.

b. For students transferring between programmes with different grading systems:

    • If the courses taken previously are required by the new programme, both the credits and results of the transferred courses will be included in the GPA or SA calculation for graduation.
    • If the courses taken previously are not required by the new programme, the credits of the transferred courses will be counted, but the results of the transferred courses will not be included in the GPA or SA calculation for graduation.