Withdrawal from Individual Courses
Current Policy [Infographic]
Students may withdraw from an individual course after the course add/drop period subject to the following conditions:
- Students must maintain their enrolment(s) in a minimum of three credits of course(s) after the withdrawal.
- Students are allowed to withdraw from a maximum of one course per semester. Additionally, they are limited to a total of six course withdrawals during their undergraduate study at UM, regardless of the credit units of each course.
- Students are permitted to withdraw from a particular course only once. Subsequent withdrawals from the same course will not be permitted.
The above-mentioned conditions do not apply to first-year students placed on the lowest English language levels (E1a and E1b levels). These students are not eligible to withdraw from any courses during their first two registered semesters at UM.
Students who wish to withdraw from a course after the add/drop period should submit an online application to the Registry no later than the end of the 11th week of a semester. For Summer Term, students who wish to withdraw from a course should submit an online application to the Registry at least 5 working days before the last class of the course concerned. Please refer to the Important Dates for details on the application period.
For special arrangement on the course “Ethics, Values, Law and Society” and deadlines for withdrawal from the individual 1-credit course (GESB1001/1002/1003), please refer to the Registry’s webpage for details.
A “W” grade will be assigned to the withdrawn course and the tuition fee for the withdrawn course will not be refunded. Any application submitted after the aforementioned deadline or any application for reinstatement of a withdrawn course will not be considered.